Opportunities to Work with AppLab

There are a number of areas where your organization, government entity or corporation can engage with AppLab:

Application Development
AppLab can work with you to develop mobile applications to help you better meet the needs of people at the base of the socioeconomic pyramid. AppLab�s user-centric development approach, focus on sustainability, well established relationships and iterative application development process make AppLab unique. Our approaches have been honed on the ground in Uganda and Ghana and cut across domains and geographies.
Sustainable Mobile Solutions
AppLab specializes in designing and implementing pro-poor, technology-focused business models, ensuring that the benefits of project activities will endure long after the project ends. Our deep understanding of base of the pyramid economics, along with our extensive experience in partnering with the private sector for the benefit of the poor, makes us uniquely well suited to develop self-sustaining solutions and to provide guidance on effectively innovating for the base of the pyramid.
Data Collection and Analysis
Governments, NGOs, corporations, and other actors all rely on data for defining what course of action will best meet the needs of their constituents/customers. Unfortunately, gathering reliable data from remote, rural areas is both time consuming and costly. AppLab�s existing suite of mobile applications, along with our extensive networks, can be leveraged to better meet the needs of the poor. See the table below for examples.
Data Category
Value of Data
Potential Data Users
Agricultural Supply and Demand
Information such as types of crops produced, yields, and use of inputs can help ensure that activities respond to local needs
NGOs, Government agencies, Agricultural Input Suppliers, buyers of agricultural products, Research Institutions and others
Early Warning Systems
Foreseeing threats from drought, disease, or pest infestation can allow for the implementation of mitigation plans and/or allow for early disaster response
Government agencies, Humanitarian Organizations, and others
Monitoring and Evaluation and General Research
Mobile surveys are less expensive than mobilizing evaluation or research teams and they can be conducted on a regular basis. The results are in electronic format without need to transcribe paper surveys
Governments, Development Agencies, NGOs, Research Organizations and others
Preferences and Consumption
Understanding household consumption, preferences, and ability/willingness to pay can allow companies to determine what products are needed and valued by consumers at the base of the pyramid
Corporations, organizations involved in Social Marketing, and others

Please contact us to learn more about how AppLab can help your institution.