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AppLab Indonesia

Grameen Foundation launched its second AppLab initiative, AppLab Indonesia, in April, 2009 in collaboration with Qualcomm. It builds on the local Village Phone network that was established in 2007 and draws on the success and learning from our first initiative in Uganda.

Indonesia�s vast population of 220 million people, more than half of whom live on less than $2 per day, and the growing access to mobile phones, makes this a unique opportunity to scale applications and services that benefit the lives and livelihoods of the poor. Further, mobile phone usage in Indonesia is sophisticated, with widespread use of text messages and a rapidly growing 3G network. Advanced use scenarios provide unique opportunities for the AppLab to innovate and learn.

In the first phase, we are conducting research to better understand information needs and to assess the landscape of applications and services that already exist in the Indonesian market. With this base of knowledge, the team will develop, test and scale applications with the potential to improve lives and livelihoods through access to information.

The AppLab in Indonesia will also explore the expanded capabilities offered by 3G technologies which can provide a wider array of services than more basic technologies. Additionally, 3G offers a richer user experience and has the potential to reduce the learning curves associated with using mobile applications to access key information services.