The village Chief's band performs
Durbars are community entry ceremonies that must be done in all of the 11 zones where we are working with Mobile Technology for Community Health (MoTeCH) . They include bringing offerings to the Chief, telling the community members about MoTeCH, dancing and hopefully getting the community members to formally “accept” MoTeCH as a valuable health service. Durbars last for several hours, usually take place under a tree and we’re holding them for all 11 zones this week so we can keep on schedule with our launch activities. Both of yesterday’s durbars were received very differently. One community was very excited, engaged and asked great questions (several questions from men about whether they could sign up even if they don’t have a wife!). The community emphatically “accepted” MoTeCH when asked by their chief. The other community had many questions and concerns about services provided by Ghana Health Service, so wasn’t able to engage in discussion about MoTeCH.
MoTeCH Project Manager Kirsten dances with the band
These experiences provide an important lesson, that we need to realize that each community will be different and will have a different set of experiences with other NGOs and health care providers that will influence how they feel about MoTeCH in the beginning.
Posted by: Kirsten Gagnaire, MoTeCH Project Manager
Tags: Communication, Community Health Worker, Culture, Ghana, Grameen Foundation, ICT4D, ICTI, mHealth, Mobile, MoTeCH, Pregnancy
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